Zarzuela Knits and Crochets
My blog about my knitting, crocheting, and anything else I feel like ranting about!

Blogging is addictive!

Thanks to everyone who wished me well on the presentation. It went well although I felt like a blithering idiot up there. I'm not used to being in front of a bunch of people without a bassoon in my face! But I was told by my peers afterward that it was find and my project was very interesting. I also found out that we can write the paper more like a published journal article than a hugh tome of a term paper so that made my unendingly happy. Let's face it, no one is going to publish a 20 page article on authority control these days unless you turn the world upside down and I'm certainly not doing that. One of my classmates even said that she appreciated the fact that I was a nerd enough to be able to talk about the topic! LOL. I took it as the compliment it was meant to be.
In crafting news, the last two squares for the special project ghan arrived yesterday! :) Now I can (hopefully) get this ghan done and out the door by Monday. The recipient for this one is my ex-boyfriend's grandmother. She was recently diagnosed with leukemia and the first treatment did not go well. She's going through a different treatment now and things seem to be stabilizing...thank god. I bawled my eyes out when I found out she was sick. I guess some would think I'm pretty weird for doing this ghan for her and being so upset. My reply: I dated her grandson for over 5 years, she and her husband welcomed me into their home while we were dating AND after we broke up, they are the sweetest people around, they did so much for me while I was in college and I think this is the very least I can do for them. We've been though cancer in my family too so I know how hard it is. I hope the ghan will do its job and bring her at least some small measure of comfort as she battles her illness. Considering the quilts she makes, I know she will appreciate it if nothing else.
So everything else I'm working on goes on hold until I get this done. Still have to decide what edging I'm going to do this time. The last one I did is totally out of the question. If you look in the FO gallery you'll see a pic of "Lucile's ghan" and the edging for it. While it did come out nicely it took 2 skeins of yarn just for the edge! Not to mention it took forever. Just can't do that again. If anyone has any suggestions for a nice edging for a ladies ghan please share! :)
You'll probably notice a bunch of changes to the blog today. A million thank yous to Eklectica who helped me get the progress bars for my works in progress looking like more than long white blobs. :) I've also gotten myself into a couple of webrings. One for crochet and one for knitting. My approval for the crochet one hasn't come in just yet so the previous and next buttons don't work yet. I'll let you know when (and if) they do. I also got myself a counter (yep, I'm a geek), added a link to the bassoon camp page, changed the HMB link to the actual logo (an idea I stole from Jenn at Crochet Crafts - thank you!), added Crochet Crafts to my crochet blog list and messed around with some fonts. There is still much to be done but I really need to make myself go to bed earlier instead of doing this until all hours!! LOL.
Well I've gotta get it in gear and get some other things done around here. I leave you with this:

Simba says, "What's going on out there?!"
Zarzuela says, "You may not want to know!!"