Zarzuela Knits and Crochets
My blog about my knitting, crocheting, and anything else I feel like ranting about!

Heartmade Blessings and the weather

So here is what I woke up to this morning:

View out my front window

That's right...SNOW!! It's only November 13th!! I know I live in the northeast but this is ridiculous. This is why I left Buffalo, to not see this stuff before December, or at least Thanksgiving! Something tells me we are in for a bad one this year.

Simba doesn't look impressed

Neither am I for that mattter. I'm also not too happy about this:

Covered Car

Yep. That's my big red beast which I will have to scrape off before I go to my gig today. Do I know where my snow brush is? Heck no. And considering the rain last night you can bet there is a healthy dose of ice under the white stuff. Here's hoping the brush and scraper are in the car from last year like usual.

On to better things. In the sidebar under "My favorite things" you'll see a link to Heartmade Blessings. This is my charity of choice. I've been a member for about two years now. I won't insult you intelligence by saying everything that's on the website, but I thought I'd say a little bit about it. The group makes "comfort afghans" for people who are experiencing a hard time in their lives due to an illness, loss or whatever. We've made afghans for World Trade Center victims families, the Columbia Shuttle Mission families, the families of soldiers lost in the War on Terror and the war in Iraq, and for plenty of people who are just dealing with everyday things that happen in life. So far well over 3,000 afghans have been distributed in the about 5 year existence of the group. Members come from all over the world and either donate crocheted squares or assemble them into afghans. I joined the group about 6 months after 9/11 when I was feeling that I needed to do something to make my corner of the world a better place. The group is coordinated through a yahoo group and puts out about 300 e-mails a day! It's a lot to keep track of at times but well worth it.

I think the thing I like the most about this organization is that everything they say they do, they really do! It's not like so many other charities where you really wonder if your money is going to what they say it is going to. It is completely not-for-profit and monetary donations can only be made in the form of yarn or postage. I have a little cork thing near my computer and one of the push pins holds all the thank you e-mails I have received as a result of my participation. It's really an amazing feeling. And I feel as though I have many caring friends that are just an e-mail away thanks to the listserv. We don't just care about the afghan recipients, we care about each other too which makes it a great community to belong to. If you are looking for a way to make the world a better place in some small way, definitely check it out. Feel free to ask me any questions you might have too.
That's it for today. I should have some good progress to show on the Magic Stripes sock tomorrow. Enjoy the weekend!
*Think SUN*