Zarzuela Knits and Crochets
My blog about my knitting, crocheting, and anything else I feel like ranting about!

My first koigu!!

Yale 3 - Harvard 35
Yikes. What a way to start the weekend.
I did find a hockey game on last night though! Of course, Hartford lost. :( Maybe it's a good thing there isn't going to be an NHL season this year. My teams are all sucking pretty badly lately. But maybe Buffalo will get me a win today.
Wow. Now I really am dreaming.
Anyway, lookie what I finished yesterday!

That's right! One sock down, one to go! And best of all, that is actually the intended owner's foot in the sock (that intended owner being me of course). Here's another angle.

It's rather difficult to take pictures of your own feet. I asked Simba to do it but that whole lack of an opposable thumb makes it kinda tough to hold the camera AND take the picture.
What do you think of the toe closure? I grafted it and it seems so square to me. Is this normal? Is there a better way? Cause my feet certainly aren't shaped like that!
As soon as it was done and I had admired it for a bit I was a good little girl and cast on for the other one. Here's my progress so far:

I'm almost done with the cuff already. I'm a bit nervous about having enough yarn left to do this one since I have *ahem* rather large feet. But I just keep telling myself that even if I do run out there is more yarn where this came from so it really isn't that big a deal.
Now I can already hear you all asking, "What about the paper?! Have you fallen into homework procrastination mode again?!"
To which I answer, "Heck no!" The paper was sent to the proofreader (a.k.a. Mom) yesterday afternoon and had already been returned last night. I looked the corrections over and decided between the burnout and the incredible headache I was experiencing it might be smarter to let it *marinate* overnight before I went to work again. Yes it is still marinating. But give me a break, it isn't even noon yet and it isn't due until 6pm tomorrow night!
Yesterday afternoon I decided to take a little study break and visit one LYS that I hadn't been to in quite a while. This is what ended up going home with me:

My first koigu! Lauren will be proud. I was looking for sock yarn and while they had many nice things I started digging around in the koigu bin and found this color. Isn't it awesome?! (Can you tell my favorite color is blue or what?) I had wanted some solid color sock yarn for the impending start of the 6 sox knitalong's next pattern. This is definitely going to be a pricey pair of socks but I just couldn't leave that color behind.
As you can see, I also ended up with another Addi Turbo circ which is helping round out the collection. It's a size 3 and 60 inches long! The longest I've been able to find so far has been 40 which seems to work well with the magic loop technique and the two Voodoos but some extra room couldn't hurt. I'm planning on doing the next pair of socks two at a time since this "not being able to wear them when you are done with the one" thing really does suck. I guess I could wear one, but the other foot might get jealous. No one wants to deal with that.
Thanks for all the comments on my last post! :) Nice to know someone really is reading this thing. One person left a link for some really yummy looking sock yarn which I thought I would share. The store is called The Fold and if the colors are anywhere near what they look like on the computer I'm going to have to be careful not to drool on it while I work with it when I manage to get some! I especially like "Sapphire" (there's that blue thing again). Maybe it's a good thing that I took two more gigs after Thanksgiving.

Well I must leave you now. Time to think about working on the paper again and possibly start packing to go back to NY on Tuesday. This should tell you how badly I am ready for a bit of vacation. Packing is usually an activity reserved for an hour before I'm ready to leave. Even thinking about it this far in advance is definitely a sign!
Go Bills!