Zarzuela Knits and Crochets
My blog about my knitting, crocheting, and anything else I feel like ranting about!

Stressed OUT!!

The title doesn't even begin to describe where I'm at right now. The paper is now requiring statistics of which I know nothing about. Musicians can only count to four for god's sake!! The study participants are, well, hard to keep track of at times. I've had to extend my deadline to tomorrow which gives me two days to finish the paper and interpret the data. Oye! Luckily, my dear Stitch n' Bitch buddy Sami has offered to help on the stats part. Thank god. Standard deviation what?! Yeah. I'm in trouble. My apartment is also a complete disaster. That's probably more of a problem then the paper. I'm not a neat freek, but there is a line for everyone and mine has been crossed, BIG TIME. Luckily, tomorrow I don't have to work at the library, so I think the morning calls for getting up early to clean at least a bit and then going to yoga. I may just run the vacuum at 9am since no one else around here seems to have any consideration for noise level, why should I?! Can you say "picking an apartment on the lower level was a bad idea"?! And then of course it's that time of month when bills are coming in and money isn't coming in fast enough. But enough of that.

Good news! I have been approved for the Stitch n' Bitchers webring!! You'll find the link on the sidebar down there somewhere. Haven't gotten to official word on the other two yet.

I managed to gain some semblance of sanity last night by going to Stitch n' Bitch. It was so busy yesterday that we had to make two groups instead of all sitting together. I managed to get all but three squares joined on the special project ghan and did a little work on the MS sock. There is another meeting tonight where I will hopefully finish off the joining and start the border on the ghan.

Here's another pic to ad to the FO gallery:

Simba wouldn't stand still so I needed another model. ;) Rather complementary don't you think? The hat is the Polish Star pattern from some book I can't remember right now. The scarf is the Fish Knit Wrap from Morehouse Merino. I absolutely love that place. They are about 45 min. from where my parents live and they have the most amazing store. Not to mention the yarn is amazing and so soft. I'm a touch allergic to wool and this stuff doesn't bother me a bit. I've also made the Ultrasoft Scarf and love that too.

Must run now. Only four more days and my sanity will be restored....maybe.