Zarzuela Knits and Crochets
My blog about my knitting, crocheting, and anything else I feel like ranting about!

Have I mentioned I hate packing?!?

So it's 11am, I'm still in my pajamas and this is the condition of my luggage:

Yes there really are clothes in there under all that knitting and crocheting stuff.
As you can see, I've decided to take Dusty with me and, in a happy turn of events, I discovered that I own a size 5 bamboo circ, so I'm taking some leftover Woolease and the glove issue of Interweave that Lauren so generously lent me to make gloves while I'm gone. I even brought the buttons I bought for Dusty just in case I might actually finish her up while I'm away. It would be nice to have one of my big projects finished off. The other books and stuff are to keep me occupied when I can't knit or crochet or the hands have just had enough.
I've printed off things from both the TSA and the Canadian TSA telling me I can having my knitting stuff. We'll see what happens. Luckily, Mom is taking me to the airport tomorrow so I can hand stuff off if they won't let me have it. I still can't believe I have to be up at 4am (and to think I didn't take the *early* flight!)...
And just so you all know, the computer and camera are going with me and there are several ways of getting internet access while I'm gone, so I hope to post an update here at least once or twice. We'll see how tired and bored I am when I get there.
I've also planned a little getaway for myself to this yarn shop. It's only a short cab ride away and I seem to have a bit of time one afternoon. So I may come home with yarn for this. We'll see. Lord knows after my fashion crisis the other day I could use a shawl type thing.
Look what else wants to get into my suitcase:

Don't I wish...
See you on the "other coast"!!