The day before the day before I move...
I hope y'all will excuse my erratic and quite disjunct blogging as of late. Apparently this whole moving thing has taken up much more of my time and sanity than I would have hoped. But it will all be over soon! Today I go to work and finish up with packing. Tomorrow it all goes in vehicles and Saturday I finally move into my new home! I just can't wait to be done with this.There is still knitting going on. (Thanks for the comments on the sock issue. I think I'll skip the duct tape suggestion however since I'm hearing the sound of tape being pulled off the roll in my dreams now and it's starting to grate on my last nerve! ;-) ) I had all good intentions of showing you the sweater and scarf that I'm working on. Unfortunately, good intentions don't get one very far when the memory stick with the pictures is (hopefully!) in the camera that is packed in the big plastic "computer stuff" bin with several boxes piled on top. *Bad blogger! Bad!*
Equally problematic is the fact that I can't even show you pictures from Tuesday's whirlwind tour of Boston because the memory stick containing those pictures isn't even in the state at the moment. I hope you'll trust me that A) I had a really wonderful time seeing this beautiful city for the first time, B) when I say I saw Boston I mean I saw ALL of Boston!, C) I have the blisters to prove it (ouch!), D) when I go back to Maine next weekend I will acquire said pictures to share and E) I have learned the very important lesson that nearly crippling oneself just days before moving might not be the best plan on the planet. You, my dear readers will be sad to know that there was no yarn shopping involved, but please know that I am not all that upset about this because I am moving and don't need to move more stuff and my tour guide for the day possesses a Y chromosome which makes up for the lack of yarn in many ways.
I will tell you however that I am already drooling over this and see a hefty yarn purchase somewhere in my future. (Have I ever mentioned I'm a sucker for cables?) I'm not sure if I like the cardi or the pullover more.
And now I must leave you to continue the moving saga. Please cross your fingers for me for an easy move with nice weather and parents that aren't completely physically destroyed by the end of the weekend. See you when I get Internet access back on Aug. 9th!