Zarzuela Knits and Crochets
My blog about my knitting, crocheting, and anything else I feel like ranting about!

Podcasting anyone?

I'm usually a step behind with the newest things, and Podcasting is no exception. I remember hearing about it early on, but I didn't pay it much mind. But now there are ones about knitting!! And ya'll know I'm all about that.

I started out listening to KnitCast every now and then. I love Marie's accent and the interviews were interesting, but I did find them to be a bit short and a tad dry. Recent episodes have been a bit more fun (maybe because of all the noise in the background due to being at the Knitting and Stitching show).

Then Alison recently posted about Cast On and I've been hooked ever since. I LOVE this podcast. It does, of course, have plenty of knitting related content, but it's the extra things that are thrown in that I think really make me love it so much. Host Brenda Dayne has a wonderful attitude toward knitting and life in general and really shares that with the audience. She plays all sorts of wonderful "pod-safe" music in between features, which I find to really be a special treat. I love hearing music that I normally wouldn't spend the time to go out and find myself. And the fact that these musicians haven't been signed with a label and are putting their stuff out there just to try and get some airplay endears them to me even more. If you don't know, this music thing is a tough business that forces some people to become librarians find other ways of making a living at times. Gotta love a person or group that's giving it a shot. And a lot of them, are really good and some are quite funny (check out episode 8 for the "Boob Fairy" song)! She also features a different sweater in each show and tells the story behind it, and sometimes reads some of her writing (which is apparently her day job). [Incidentally, her reading in episode 6 really came at an appropriate time for me.] It's just a great overall show and most of all it's entertaining.

Other podcasts that I'm starting to check out are The Knitting News Cast, The FiberCast (love this one), Crafty Chica Podcast (she's a bit too cheerful for me), and others. I think the coolest thing is I can listen to these while I'm at work, not on break, and it's like I'm getting to knit when I can't!

Of course I love listening to stuff about knitting, but I wouldn't mind branching out into other subject areas. I just gave a listen to Daily Source Code and plan on looking through PodShow for some more ideas.

What Podcasts are you listening to? Leave me a link in the comments!!

P.S. If you haven't checked out Podcasting because you don't have an iPod, never fear!! Many of them can be downloaded directly or some even stream (like the Daily Source Code) directly to your computer. You can then listen to them from your hard-drive, or the 'net or burn them to a CD. How cool is that?!