I am weak
So there it is. I could resist it no longer. I started my not-so-green-gable. But I have a good excuse! I needed something that would get to the mindless knitting point quickly for this weekend's trip to see the Yarn Harlot @ Webs! One can't very well go to a knitting book signing and not have something to knit that doesn't require complete attention! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I also got some validation from new blogger Beth (go google Bossygirl and give her some love - I can't do html from the treo yet) in this comment:'Though I am speaking as a person married to the same guy for 21 years (and all for monogamy), I do think it's underrated when it comes to knitting. I'm one that thinks you should heed the call of creativity, even when it means straying from your cables in favor of a little cotton. As your sister in Blog World, I should probably help you be strong, but sadly, this is about co-dependency and making me feel good about my own knitting infidelities! :-)'
I'm soooooo with you girl! :-)
My color is 'Blue Paradise'. Doesn't that sound nice? This is my first time using cotton-fleece and I'm really enjoying it. It feels great and works up into a very nice flowing and soft fabric.
What I do NOT like is the fact that the first skein has had 3 f@!?ing knots in it! This is a top down raglan! There aren't supposed to be two billion ends to weave in! *sigh* If you come to Webs tomorrow I'll be the one knitting the blue thing with all the tails flapping.
[Internet explorer users can click the blank space to magically be taken to a place where you can see the pic. Flickr apparently believes that it is all your problem and will only answer two e-mails per problem report. Coincidence that you can only see it on their site? I think not. But they are the only mobile blogging solution that has worked so far.]