Zarzuela Knits and Crochets
My blog about my knitting, crocheting, and anything else I feel like ranting about!

I really am knitting a sweater...


There! Proof that I really am knitting a crazy ass aran sweater. That's the back, I've managed two pattern repeats on the front so far without too many horrible mistakes. I've been pretty singularly devoted to knitting this sweater now that other items are off the needles. (You can see from the sidebar that they only other thing I have going right now is that damn laceweight sweater from over a year ago now). My vision for this sweater: a cool afternoon in North Carolina in the moutains at bassoon camp, sitting out on the deck with my sweetie and our friends, relaxing, perhaps throwing back a cold one and maybe even playing our bassoons. That just sounds so perfect right now. And there's only 31 work days (because those are the only ones that really are worth counting) until it can be possible! Will I make it by the end of May? I'm sure gonna try...

Despite the fact that I want this sweater ready to wear by camp time, the lack of socks on my needles is making me nervous! Anyone know a good toe up pattern to use with Cascade Fixation? I'm seriously bored with plain stockinette socks but I'm not sure how much texture to give these since the yarn is so bulky. Your input welcome and appreciated!!